by a Taken In Hand reader on 2006 Jul 23 - 23:04 | reply to this comment It takes courage... I think it shows courage to say or suggest you enjoy pleasing your partner. It's not submissive, it's not anything but the joy of sharing. Sharing the pleasantness of a nice home, clean and orderly for everyone. But if you look at the entire picture, it's simply a tool. In my world, my submission is taken seriously. My needs and feelings are always strived to keeping me happy. In return, I enjoy providing a nice home, nice meals, extras call them. Anything to show my love. It's not like the world falls apart if I can't vacuum one day or cook another. It's a day by day show of how much I love my family, my husband. On the other hand, I also keep my own self in check. Meaning I am well groomed, if not perfect all the time, but certainly the attempt is always there. But it seems to take courage to say something as wild as that these days. Heaven help the woman who wears lipstick. She may have something to 'prove' by those who don't. Again, if I can arouse, keep happy or please my husband by keeping soft fragrant sheets, or wear lipstick, then why the heck not. He goes to lengths to make me happy. In return I offer my gifts. My appearance that he likes, a home to enjoy and my submission on demand. A very fulfilling life indeed.


by Blush on 2006 Jul 31 - 17:29 | reply to this comment Wearing lipstick I haven't noticed myself that wearing lipstick is considered to be a particularly subversive activity. Most department stores in the UK have enormous cosmetics deparments, and someone must be buying the stuff. They even sell makeup kits designed specifically for little girls. I have the impression that women who don't wear makeup (of whom I am one) are in the minority.

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