Learn the Holy Quran Online?

Moreover, Arabic is particularly rich and complex with a large number of synonyms for many words. The problem is each has a slight difference in meaning.

For example, Read these words, ‘lion’ has more than 300 synonyms. Al-‘Anbas is “The Lion from Whom Other Lions Flee”, al-Hirmās is “Aggressive Towards People”, and al-Asjar is “The Lion Whose Eyes Are Bloodshot”.

This is how Arabic is mentioned in small words but when you want to explain that Arabic word that words will be expanded when you trying to explain in English.

The reason I am telling you all this is because I want you to know that learning Quranic Arabic is a lifelong journey. You definitely don’t need this level of mastery to understand the Quran in general.

But, the extra you advance your Arabic the further you see the beauty of the Quran. There are many levels of understanding of the Quran. The effect it had on the people of the Quraish to whom it was revealed was profound. The more your Arabic moves closer to theirs the more you see the linguistic genius of the Quran.

a title="Learn Quran online" href="https://www.onlinequranteachers.com/">Learn Quran online</a>

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Last-modified: 2019-11-22 (金) 23:05:12 (1609d)